Ugh! I'm getting seriously tired of winter. Today was one of those days where I just felt like I needed to get out of here. Like I couldn't get out of grad school soon enough and needed a break. So I threw myself a little pitty party, talked to my family, laughed with my husband, skipped my workout and had some sparkly wine. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be back on track first thing. Jillian Michaels workout videos (aka torture) ....I'm ready for you!!
Ooo, also I watched the Oscars last night (on DVR of course) and I loved Hugh Jackman. I'm a total sucker for singing and dancing so that was right up my ally. I've always said that since I didn't get to take ballet lessons as child, I am fascinated with all things dancing as an adult. I like to go to step class because it kind of feels like dancing!! Anyway, I was also so happy to see MILK pick up a couple of awards and bring gay rights and Prop 8 back to the forefront.
Onward to food!!! Mmmmmmm! Sriracha chicken with banana fried rice is one of my all time favorites. I never knew what sriracha was (although in retrospect I had seen it at many restaurants) untill I watched that episode of Top Chef where Casey makes sriracha ice cream. And then I was just intrigued. What is this sriracha that comes in the fun squeezy bottle? Basically it's Thai-style hot sauce and it is super tasty!

So how do you make this awesome dinner?
Shopping List:
- Protein of choice for 2-either tofu or chicken. I'm going to show chicken but the directions for tofu are essentially the same.
- 2/3 cup of fruit preseves of choice (ie orange, apricot, mango, apple, pineapple basically anything. We buy the smuckers low sugar or sugar free to cut down on the calories)
- 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
- 3 spring onions
- 2 bananas that are under-ripe (ie greenish yellow)
- 1 tbsp sugar
- Cinnamon
- 1 yellow onion
- 1 cup rice (brown or white)
Sriracha chicken:
For the sauce/marinade take 2/3 cup of fruit preseves of choice and combine with 2 tbps of rice wine vinegar, 3 chopped spring onions and 2 tbps of sriracha. Combine and pour marinade over protein reserving a small amount for sauce. Let marinate for at least 20 minutes or longer to infuse the flavor.

Pre-heat grill over high heat. Oil the grates and grill chicken on each side untill cooked through about 5-6 minutes per side. When done, top off with sauce.
Banana fried rice
Cook rice as directed. We cook 1 cup of rice for two people but this can certainly be scaled up.
Chop the onion.
Chop banana into half inch thick slices
Toss the banana slices with sugar
Heat 1 tbsp of oil over high heat in a saute pan.
When hot add bananas and cook on each side untill carmelized
Turn off heat and remove bananas into a bowl

In the same pan add 1 tbsp oil and add onion. Cook untill softened and translucent

Season with cinnamon to taste. Add bananas and rice. Add salt to tast and serve

Well no food entry would be complete without wine so I will review two of my all time favorite wines, the Huber Gruner Veltliner and the Naia Verdejo.
The Gruner Veltliner (GV) is a less well known, and highly underappreciated wine from Austria. These wines are in a word......superb. They were introduced to us by the fab folks at Corkscrew wine store in Urbana and I just can't say enough good things. They are affordable and utterly delicious. One of my absolute favs is the Huber GV. Just look for the rainbow bottle!! This wine is super affordable at about $10-$12 per bottle and

perfect with chicken and tofu. It is unique and light and absolute perfection for a summer day. You are missing out if you have not tried a GV. Go out and get one now!!!!!
I have a small but definite obsession with verdejos. These wines are typically from Spain and are freakin fantastic!!!!!!!!!! Can you say obsessed??? One of the best and available at almost any wine store is the Naia. This bottle runs around $15 and again paris perfectly with chicken and tofu. Did I mention I don't eat red meat?? Verdejos have their own unique minerally taste that is superb. LOVE!!!!

Ok, that is all for now. Project pitty party is officially over!!